The Chavez Family went to church yesterday!! it was incredible. We were in the stake conference and they came in at the first hymn. They didn't like it :( They said that it seemed to be directed at other people (the members) and that it was a little bit boring. I almost have to agree. They talked about a ton of things, and told a lot of alright stories. So that was a little bit sad that they didn't like it. We also had a very heated lesson last night with them. They are not very accepting of the idea of the Book of Mormon still. They have only read one chapter, so when we talked about the Plan of Salvation it kinda blew up in our face. It's a hard lesson to teach with just the bible cuz every one else interprets the same scriptures in very different ways. I guess we should take our time a little bit more and get them more fundamented in the Book of Mormon. I think that we are just going to read with them for a few more weeks.
We are also trying to find more youth and YSA to teach. Elder Andersen told the country to look for them because they are the future of Mexico. So we are trying. It's a little bit frustrating because they will always tell us yes but then they are never there for the appointment. So hopefully we can have a bit more luck with all of that. Obedience to the Lord's representatives always pays off, even if not at first.
I have been trying to follow President Nelson's council to receive revelation more.
"In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, direct ing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost. I urge you to stretch beyond y our current spiritual ability to receive personal revelation ,
Nothing opens the heavens quite like the combination of increased purity, exact obedience, earnest seeking, daily feasting on the words of Christ in the Book of Mormon, and regular time committed to temple and family history work.
And I have found that it is very true when he said, "To be sure, there may be time when you feel as though the heavens are closed. But I promise that as you continue to be obedient, expressing gratitude for every blessing the Lord gives you, and as you patiently honor the Lord’s timetable, y ou will be given the knowledge and understanding you seek. E very blessing the Lord has for you—even miracles—will follow . That is what personal revela tion will do for you.
Oh, there is so much more that your Father in Heaven wants you to know. As Elder Neal A. Maxwell taught, “To those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, it is clear that the Father and the Son are giving away the secrets of the universe!”
My beloved brothers and sisters, I plead with you to increase your spiritual capacity to receive revelation. Let this Eater Sunday be a defining moment in your life. Choose to do the spiritual work required to enjoy the gift of the Holy Gh ost and hear the voice of the Spirit more frequently and mor e clearly."
It is sufficient to know, in t his case, that the earth will be smitten with a curse unless there is a welding link of so me kind or other between the f athers and the children, upon some subject or other—and beho ld what is that subject? It is the baptism for the dead. For we without them cannot be mad e perfect; neither can they wi thout us be made perfect. Neit her can they nor we be made pe rfect without those who have d ied in the gospel also; for it is necessary in the ushering in of the dispensation of the fullness of times, which dispen sation is now beginning to ush er in, that a whole and comple te and perfect union, and weld ing together of dispensations [through baptisms for the dead] Doctrine and Covenants 128:18
There are without doubt those moments, even in the Lord's work. It will always hurt to go beyond our capacities because that is when we will realize that we are missing so much of our own power.
I finish with one more thought. Yesterday in the conference Elder Roman (70 area authority) quoted a conversation of Elder Andersen and Elder Oaks several years ago. He said that Elder Andersen was serving in the Area presidency of Brasil and Elder Oaks (member of the 12) came to visit. Elder Andersen commented that in Brasil there are the same number of members as in Mexico, but that Mexico had 15 temples and Brasil only had 2. And he didn't think that that was fair. And Elder Oaks made a very interesting comment, that filled the room with the spirit when it was shared. He said, "Temples are not distributed based on the number of members, but on the number of spirits prepared to receive their ordinances" You are blessed with a temple at 3 miles from home, there are prepared spirits in our family tree that need YOUR help. That is why the temple is there.
Please fulfill that sacred duty. And if you can send me a name or two then I will do them here.
I love you and hope you all have a great week. Please fulfill your responsibilities.
Elder Brady Allred
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