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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

I got changed to Victoria again!!! No I am just kidding. I am still here in Valle Verde. But they did send my companion to Victoria. I am pretty jealous. They gave me Elder Araujo as my companion. He is THAT MISSIONARY. Yep the ONE everybody knows about.  But he wants to work hard, and he baptizes a lot. So I am pretty excited to have a great successful transfer. We already decided that if we have problems then we are both going to take care of them so that we can just work hard.

I am really excited. This morning when I woke up it felt like Christmas eve.  But I am still here to work hard. We have the goal to baptize 7 in August. It is going to be a ton of work but we do have a ton of people that have a ton of potential. The people that we find this week can still get baptized in August so we have to find a lot.

Well tomorrow Susan gets baptized. We moved it so that her dad can go to the baptism.  Her grandma and cousins and aunt came from Coahuila to go to the baptism they are all members there, just not all active.

Georgy gets baptized on Saturday. He is very excited. His family will go to the baptism but they are not ready yet. Kevin needs to pay a bit more attention in the lessons, we'll change our style. And Georgina and Eduardo have to get married, and it should take 5-8 weeks (that's very sad news, but it's not in their control, or at least they don't think it is.)

We also put a baptismal date with Luis Alberto and with Maura on Saturday they were going to come to church yesterday but they didn't make it. We still have to see why. They said that they are looking for a true church, because all of the other churches don't seem to be true.  Score! That's our message.  We put a date for the 18th of August. they have to go on Sunday, and they have to be reading their Book of Mormon. But we sure hope that they will make it.

Noelia came to church on Sunday with her 5 yr old granddaughter. She is somebody that we contacted when she was drinking her cauguama.  She had some family problems and so we talked to her a bit and then Saturday we went back and shared a bit about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  She went to church and said that she is going to come back. It was great and we hope to put a baptismal date soon with her as well.

We have a few appointments today. Two of them with Families!!  This area is really prepared to baptize and it is time to get down to work.  We still have to move.  We just need the federal commission of light to come out and change a wire so that we can move. 3-5 days. or 3 weeks.  Patience is a virtue but this is a long time waiting.  I just want to live in the area. But, it's alright we will get there. 

I am really excited. Everybody thinks that I am "dying" (that's what they call it when you get "trunky" which is what you call it when it's almost time to go home and pack your trunk)  But I don't think so. I am going to have the best six weeks of my mission right here and now. I am prepared to give it everything that I can.  Keep praying for me! I am excited to see you soon.  I sure am excited for the appointment with the chiropractor, that's for sure. Keep praying for me. I love you and I know that this is the true church, that the Book of Mormon is true. I know that God lives and is in the details of our lives.  Jesus Christ is my Savior and He does direct this work. They will tell us the secrets and mysteries, and everything that we need to know to have success in this life.  I love you

Elder Brady Allred

Sorry if it's a little short today. Transfers.

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